
Charitable donations help greatly in the work we do in New Zealand. If you would like to support our work please consider the following options:

For tax purposes, please provide us with your name and donor number (if you would like to create one call us on +64 6 344 3814 or email us at [email protected])

Thank you kindly for your generous support. May God bless you and keep you.

To support our missionary work across New Zealand

The Society of Saint Pius X


To support our schools

St Anthony's School


To support our work across the District of Australia and New Zealand


Tel: +61 2 9567 1355

13 William Street
Rockdale, NSW 2216


If you wish to make a donation by direct deposit, the bank details of the District are the following:

Bank: ANZ - Rockdale
Account: Society of St Pius X
BSB: 012-395
Account No.: 5993-47237