Sermons from New Zealand

For a number of years the SSPX in New Zealand has recorded and shared sermons preached at its various chapels for the edification of the faithful.

This material belongs to (is the copyright of) the Society of Saint Pius X under applicable New Zealand Laws. It is offered for the use of the faithful, for their personal edification. If you like the material presented, we invite you to point others to our website so they can benefit from all the materials available. If you wish to use these sermons in any other manner, distribute them or modify them for any purpose, permission is first required from the relevant SSPX superiors.

Recent Sermons

Date Title Occasion Preacher
2 Dec 2018 The Epistle which converted St Augustine First Sunday of Advent Fr. François Laisney
25 Nov 2018 The Second Coming of Christ Last Sunday after Pentecost Fr. François Laisney
3 Sept 2018 "To Restore All Things in Christ" Feast of St. Pius X Fr. Ian Andrew Palko
2 Sept 2018 "Is it Thy Coming which is foretold, or are we waiting for another" 15th Sunday After Pentecost (2 September 2018) Fr. Ian Andrew Palko