Opening Retreat for New Seminarians

Fr John Fullerton, District Superior of Australia and New Zealand, preached the opening Ignatian retreat for the new seminarians and the returning spirituality seminarians, at Holy Cross, from 10-16 March.
The retreat included seven seminarians entering into the Humanities year: 2 Australians, 1 New Zealander, 1 Filipino, and last but not the least, the two first Chinese seminarians for the SSPX. It also included two brother postulants, one from Nigeria and one from South Africa. After a brief visa delay, a South Korean Humanities seminarian arrived on 16 March.
The following nationalities now make up the student body at Holy Cross (comprised of 24 members!):
5 Australians
5 South Koreans
4 Filipinos
3 Nigerians
3 New Zealanders
2 Chinese
1 Kenyan
1 Indian
Please pray for the perseverance of all of these promising vocations.
In addition to the seminarians, novice and brother postulant, the Seminary community includes 5 priest professors, and 4 religious brothers.