Victoria Praesidia

Tynong Parish

Corpus Christi Church

15 Granite Lane, Tynong 3813

Adult Praesidia


Queen of Peace Praesidium (D)

8:20 am


Our Lady of the Rosary Praesidium

6:30 pm

Rosa Mystica Praesidium (D)

6:30 pm


Maris Stella Praesidium

6:00 pm

Contact: Richard Ockerse (0417 552 399) or Vincent Van Strijp (0488 994 323)

Email: [email protected]

Praesidia marked (D) are Disability-Friendly and are accessible on ground level in Church Meeting Room (LHS of Church). All other Praesidia are located in the Upper Room in the Church Hall (involves stairs to access). 

Junior Praesidia (under 18's)


Our Lady of Good Success Praesidium (secondayr school age)

9:15 am

Queen of Angels Praesidium (primary school age) - (D)


Contact: Bernadette Ward (0466 512 620)

Email: [email protected]